Tuesday 13 November 2012

Water Heater Thermostat

Water Heater Thermostat - A Simple But Very Important Safety Device in Your Water Heater

Water Heater Thermostat

What is the function of a water heater thermostat? The thermostat is a device that is fitted to your water heater to ensure that supply of power or fuel to the heater is shut automatically the moment temperature of water reaches a certain level. Nobody likes to take bath with superheated steam, right?

The function of a heater is to keep the water warm enough for individual to take bath or use for other purposes. The electrical charge can be used to power an electronic device that automatically shuts the supply of fuel.

Needless to say, this description of the water heater thermostat clearly indicates that it is very important device fitted into your water heater. If the thermostat malfunctions, the control over temperature will be lost. The function of a heater thermostat is not restricted to merely temperature control. You can also fix the specific temperature beyond which you do not want the water to increase. It is important to make sure the thermostat is functioning properly.

The primary reason why the thermostat malfunctions is age. Hence, it is important to cast a look at the thermostat to find out whether the water heater thermostat whenever you were maintaining the device.

Common Hot Water Heater Problems

For example, our water heaters play an important role in making bathing more comfortable for people of all ages. So, whenever notice any sign of malfunctioning from your unit, it is best to pay attention in order to prevent more damages and expenses. Hot Water Heater Problems and Solutions

Problem: The water becomes too hot.
Solution: Check if the thermostat is set correctly. You may need to replace this, or you may call a specialist to check this out if repairs may be done.

Problem: There is low water pressure.
Solution: Clean your shower head and clear it of sediment or hard water deposits. Call a heating professional immediately.

Problem: You have a leak in the water tank.
Solution: You may tighten the bolts on the surrounding gaskets. If the leak continues, you may need to buy a new one, especially if you've been using this heating unit for a number of years. 

This same tip can help solve the common water heater problem of homeowners: dirty water coming out of the shower. The key to heater care is proper check up, handling and maintenance. 

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