Saturday 24 November 2012

50 Gallon Water Heater

Is a 50 Gallon Water Heater the Right Size For Your Needs?

50 Gallon Water Heater

You know you need a water heater but you have no idea what size you might need if indeed you need one with storage. If there are just two of you then the chances of you both needing a shower at the same time are pretty slim. A 50 gallon water heater will allow two people to take a shower of about 8 minutes in length.

Your choices are either electric, gas or solar powered. Obviously, if your primary concern is the environment then a solar powered model will be your first choice and will eventually save you both money and energy. There are many makes and models to choose from and most manufacturers such as Rheem, Bradford and Kenmore offer 50 gallon water heaters

50 Gallon Water Heater - Which One?

This size tends to be the best all around size for a medium sized family, and investing in the correct size heater can save you energy and money all the way around. Choosing the correct type is as important as choosing the right size. You can purchase ones that run by electric, by gas or by oil. 50 Gallon water Heaters that are run by electric are often a popular choice of homeowners and new home builders. Electric heaters are often cheaper to purchase and the spare parts needed for repairs are usually easy to find and cheap to buy. These are the main reasons that people choose electric.

50 Gallon water heaters that are run by gas are another popular choice. Gas is a cheaper form of energy to buy and gas water heaters usually heat the water twice as fast as electric water heaters. This type of heater does cost more to purchase and install, but is also an extremely energy efficient choice over time.

50 Gallon Water Heater Types to Consider

A 50 gallon water heater is perfect for a household that contains three or four people, as long as the model is gas. An electric model for a three or four family home should be around 80 gallons due to the fact that electric models tend to take longer to heat water up that gas ones. Again, a family with three or four people should invest in a 50 gallon water heater. Anything larger than that should look for a water heater that is between 70 and 120 gallons, depending on whether you are looking to get an electric or gas-heated model.

All water heats are rated by the amount of water they can heat in an hour. When shopping for a 50 gallon hot water heater, this is an important statistic to look at if you do not want to run out of hot water often. You should weigh your needs when it comes to energy efficiency versus heated water recovery, as many units that can heat several gallons per hour are not very energy efficient. A 50 gallon water heater is the most common size in most households, and chances are it will be the size you need next time you need a new water heater. Choosing the right size of water heat is important to ensuring that your family always has hot water when they need it.

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