Sunday 28 October 2012

Direct Vent Water Heater

Direct Vent Water Heater

If the water heating unit is installed in a confined space, proper combustion and ventilation must be observed. In installing the vent system for your gas water heaters, air surrounding your building should be free from volatile, combustible materials as well as halogenated hydrocarbons such as air in beauty shops, dry cleaning establishments, and photo processing labs. Failure of the heater due to operation in a corrosive atmosphere voids the water heater warranty. If you have proper ventilation with the outside for the gas and air, power vent or a direct vent would be a favorable option. Direct vent water heater may be in a tankless version or a traditional tank type models. Direct venting pulls the fresh combustion air from outdoors and expels all the products of combustion outside through an adjacent wall.

Direct Vent Water Heater Saves Money and Energy

Instead of paying huge bills to heat up your water you can easily save money and energy by shifting to a direct vent water heater.

If you have a bulky storage model that seems to be guzzling electricity or gas then you should replace it with the latest tankless direct vent gas version as this can enable you to save around 10% to 30% in your energy bills. Gas heaters require a steady supply of oxygen and this is usually sucked from the area surrounding the heater. A direct vent water heater is basically a sealed unit that has either two pipes or a concentric pipe [pipe within pipe] to suck in fresh air from outside the bathroom and also dispense exhaust gases outside. This maintains a positive pressure within your home and lowers your energy bills of other heating products since it does not use precious heated air while also ensuring that your water heater receives an unlimited supply of quality oxygen-rich air at all times. You can choose from a fan-assisted model that will require a low amount of electricity or even a model that does not require a fan or electricity to run it. You can walk into any home improvement store to check out the different models and brands of direct vent water heaters or even hop over to the Internet and view various models and study their specifications. Instead of cursing your energy bills you can now sing happily in your bathroom when you have the right direct vent water heater installed in your home.

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