Wednesday 31 October 2012

Water Heater Timer

Water Heater Timers, Appliance and Pool Timers - All Handy Devices for Saving Energy

Installing timers throughout the home allows you to run certain devices only when necessary. This cuts energy consumption, translating to cuts in the amount of money spent on energy bills.

The cost of hot water

Completing a laundry cycle using hot water is common in most homes. Many people are also unaware that water heating accounts for 14% to 25% of residential energy use. "Standby heat loss" refers to the energy being consumed by the water heater while hot water is not in use. A water heater timer can be programmed to automatically shut the water heater off during specific hours of the days. An Intermatic timer is especially useful in homes with older water heaters, manufactured before 1998. Leaving the lights on when nobody is home.

For many, this action provides a sense of home protection. The Intermatic timer for lights reduces the amount of energy lights consume while providing that sense of home protection.
The Intermatic timer manufactured for lighting fixtures plugs right into a 2-prong electrical wall socket. The lights come on when the tripper is pulled out, and when the tripper is pushed in, the lights are turned off. 

Appliances can be energy wasters too

Heavy duty appliances, including heaters and air conditioners, can easily be left running for hours at a time. Intermatic timers are available for appliances such as these. As with a water heater and lamp timer, appliance timers provide an array of settings that allow heavy duty appliances to only be in operation during certain periods of the day.
The current energy crisis the world is facing has many people interested in "going green" and learning how to save more energy. Installing Intermatic timers throughout the home where necessary allows one to maintain that sense of comfort while reducing the amount of residential energy being consumed. In addition, using less energy means spending less money on energy bills, and who doesn't want that?

Use a Water Heater Timer and Save Big Bucks

Using a water heater timer could be the answer to your prayers. Heaters are the highest energy-consuming devices found in your home. What is a Water Heater Timer?
How is this considered a factor in saving energy?
Usually, hot water is needed only for showers, doing the dishes, and laundry. How does a water heater timer work?

These timers have manual buttons that lets you set specific times to turn on/off your heater during the day. For those with schedules varying only in the weekend, there are less expensive ones available that come with a weekday and weekend schedule.
Digital timers also have a built-in backup that saves your schedule even when there is a power outage. How can I further cut back on electricity costs?

Contact your utility company and inquire if they offer a demand management program. This means different rates are charged depending on the demand for electricity at that specific time. Lower rates are charged when there is low demand (off peak hours), and higher rates are charged when demand is high (on peak hours). If you want to reduce your expenses on electricity bills, consider purchasing a water heater timer.

Article You May Be Interested In Reading : Water Heater Timer

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Polaris Water Heater

Polaris Water Heater Benefits

Polaris Water Heater

There are several key benefits to owning a Polaris water heater over other water heater brands. Polaris water heaters are manufactured by the American Water Heater Company, one of the most respected manufacturers in the industry. Below is a list of the main benefits of a Polaris water heater.

Durability. The durability of a Polaris water heater is almost unmatched. On Board Problem Indicator. One of the coolest features of Polaris hot water heaters is their on board problem indicators. Less sediment. Because of the solid materials it is made of, a Polaris hot water heater creates and holds less sediment than other water heaters. There are some websites online to help you find the lowest prices on Polaris water heaters and all water heaters. Hot Water Heater Prices is a great one. It's a free informational resource to help those in the market for a new water heater.

Why Homeowners Prefer to Use Polaris Water Heaters

Designed through an ultra quite, brushless blower joint with inundated integrated gas/air combustion structure are the characteristics of this lofty efficiency condense heater.
The usual preference for hushed and proficient water and space heating or to come up bulky hot water hassles. How does Polaris water heater becomes the preference for most household?

The heating system has been a great speculation providing us at ease yet cost-effective warmth while also supplying all hot water necessities. It has a mega silent blower combined with inundated combustion system that results to its whispering type maneuver. This woven metal burner offer precise temperature control, just right for heating applications, stating a required temperature of up to 185°F water. Installation procedures of Polaris Water Heaters.

o First, connect water, gas, venting, electricity and condensate drain.
o Afterwards, turn on the turn on the gas and electricity

Even thou, these best fit for food restaurants or any fast-food chains that requires rapid recovery of hot water; these can still be the models ideally designed for homes with elevated water necessities. These are applicable for forced air hydronic space heating, with drinkable or potable hot water, on top of other radiant heating device.
Frankly speaking, Polaris water heaters are not comparatively cheaper match up to to other product. If you need more information to help you make the right choice, visit Best Mattress Reviews website for information on all the bassett mattress.

Article You May Be Interested In Reading : Polaris Water Heater

Monday 29 October 2012

40 Gallon Water Heater

40 Gal Water Heaters: Is It the Right Size for You?

40 Gallon Water Heater

The new technology and demand for better water heaters have paved the way for producing more reliable and durable heaters. Generally the primary choice of people is to choose either the gas or electric heater depending upon the sources present in their location. Heaters make our lives quite easy and comfortable.

Buying a suitable heater depends on the right size; a small family will not require a huge water heater and a big family will not be comfortable in using a small size. 40 gal water heaters are the most commonly used size for a small family of 2-3 people. Sometimes the cold weather requires an urgent need of hot water so it's feasible to keep it in store for immediate usage. The modern ones have solved the problem of storage. Water can be kept hot for long periods of time. Today we have the option of heating and storing the water without any supervision. Every household needs a durable, affordable and efficient water heater. We need one that is good enough for all family members and also is affordable for our daily hot water requirements. The 40 gallon water heaters are one of the best sizes available as they are not small and not too big, so its utilization is maximized.

50 Gallon Water Heater Types to Consider

A 50 gallon water heater is perfect for a household that contains three or four people, as long as the model is gas. An electric model for a three or four family home should be around 80 gallons due to the fact that electric models tend to take longer to heat water up that gas ones. Again, a family with three or four people should invest in a 50 gallon water heater. All water heats are rated by the amount of water they can heat in an hour. When shopping for a 50 gallon hot water heater, this is an important statistic to look at if you do not want to run out of hot water often. You should weigh your needs when it comes to energy efficiency versus heated water recovery, as many units that can heat several gallons per hour are not very energy efficient. A 50 gallon water heater is the most common size in most households, and chances are it will be the size you need next time you need a new water heater.

Choosing the right size of water heat is important to ensuring that your family always has hot water when they need it. Learn more about different water heater.

Article You May Be Interested In Reading : 40 Gallon Water Heater

Sunday 28 October 2012

Direct Vent Water Heater

Direct Vent Water Heater

If the water heating unit is installed in a confined space, proper combustion and ventilation must be observed. In installing the vent system for your gas water heaters, air surrounding your building should be free from volatile, combustible materials as well as halogenated hydrocarbons such as air in beauty shops, dry cleaning establishments, and photo processing labs. Failure of the heater due to operation in a corrosive atmosphere voids the water heater warranty. If you have proper ventilation with the outside for the gas and air, power vent or a direct vent would be a favorable option. Direct vent water heater may be in a tankless version or a traditional tank type models. Direct venting pulls the fresh combustion air from outdoors and expels all the products of combustion outside through an adjacent wall.

Direct Vent Water Heater Saves Money and Energy

Instead of paying huge bills to heat up your water you can easily save money and energy by shifting to a direct vent water heater.

If you have a bulky storage model that seems to be guzzling electricity or gas then you should replace it with the latest tankless direct vent gas version as this can enable you to save around 10% to 30% in your energy bills. Gas heaters require a steady supply of oxygen and this is usually sucked from the area surrounding the heater. A direct vent water heater is basically a sealed unit that has either two pipes or a concentric pipe [pipe within pipe] to suck in fresh air from outside the bathroom and also dispense exhaust gases outside. This maintains a positive pressure within your home and lowers your energy bills of other heating products since it does not use precious heated air while also ensuring that your water heater receives an unlimited supply of quality oxygen-rich air at all times. You can choose from a fan-assisted model that will require a low amount of electricity or even a model that does not require a fan or electricity to run it. You can walk into any home improvement store to check out the different models and brands of direct vent water heaters or even hop over to the Internet and view various models and study their specifications. Instead of cursing your energy bills you can now sing happily in your bathroom when you have the right direct vent water heater installed in your home.

Article You May Be Interested In Reading : Direct Vent Water Heater
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